
Aha! {Festival Spar}


08-09-2014, 11:24 AM

It was on a whim he supposed that he wandered to these lands. A festival of sorts going on, encouraging fighting and all. A place to test strength and perhaps see who held it. Kau was confident, yet the massive male also wondered if perhaps he was too overly confident. He had not kept his skills as sharp as they would have been if he remained in Lyenne, and yet, part of him desired for this so strongly. To bleed, to feel the pain. Perhaps... to allow some of that pain to ebb away. Kau wasn't so sure what he wanted anymore. Just when he thought he was over his grief of what he believed to be Avion's death he was going mad with longing and dangerous act again.

The male would stop, deciding that this was far enough. Purple eyes were narrowed, head tossed back as he let out a ringing howl for his opponent. Thor. He didn't know any other wolves present here. He had not exactly taken much time to go out and meet the locals of the land. When he finished with his summons Kau would roll his shoulders, popping the bones. What was this illness he seemed to have contracted? Had Avion placed such a hold on the ex-heir? Love... what a strange beast it was.

It could make the strongest men crumble into a pile of mush.