
Aha! {Festival Spar}



1 Year
08-09-2014, 12:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been a shadow to Thor after she had found him here at the festival, far too intrigued and curious to think of staying behind in the prairie. For a while she had tried it, designating herself the honorary protector of her siblings in the large brown male's absence, but when nothing happened there along the borders of their makeshift home, and knowing so much could have been going on that she was missing at the festival, Bera had given up her pretense of protector and gone to follow after her idol and brother.

It had all been strange and rather thrilling. There were so many wolves here gathered together, all sharing in a moment of peace and enjoying the good weather the gods had seen fit to give them. She could hardly believe they were all so chatty and social, expecting almost at any moment for a fight to break out, for dominance to be challenged, for someone to say the wrong thing and disrupt the jovial mood. But none broke out on their own. Instead the fights were coordinated, encouraged in a structured setting that had drawn her in from the moment the young brown pup had heard about it. A part of her had wished to jump at the chance to participate but she knew her skills were, for the time being at least, limited. And as soon as she had heard Thor would be participating she knew she could not miss it, even for a spar of her own.

Bera had drifted away from Thor's side as the spars commenced, watching them all with rapt attention from afar. There were so many different types of wolves, so many different styles of fighting, that she was eager to see them all, to take notes where she could and learn from their successes and mistakes. She wandered with a wag about her tail, a light within her vibrant green eyes, and an excited smile upon her lips, taking it all in and feeling that itch in her paws to have her own turn. It was too late now, but soon, she hoped, she would be old enough to jump in and show what she could do.

She was all focus and attention until the call for Thor rang across the lakeside field, what was left of her ears twitching and turning to angle toward the noise. Who was this, this wolf her brother would fight? Curious, wondering where he had gotten to in her inattention, she set out to find the wolf in question, her growing legs, not quite gangly yet but leaving her rounded pup days behind, loping along until she came before him. She stopped short, a combination of intimidation and awe seizing her the moment she saw him. He was huge, bigger even than Thor, and from the way he was already posturing himself she had to believe that he knew what he was doing. She had thought to say something to him before the match, what she had not decided yet, but now seeing him Bera was not sure she could. Her voice felt lost, quieted in the man's presence, and without a word the brown pup moved to sit off to the side and wait for Thor to show up and get the spar started.