
Pilgrimage (Festival Climax)



08-09-2014, 01:21 PM

Awash in meditation Au?ra could feel her mind stretching against it's confines, spiraling higher as she sought reassurance from the gods that this was their will. Deep in the pit of her gut, in the essence of her physical self she felt fear. Cold, biting fear that froze her insides but she would not waiver. She was viking. She was prophetess. She was brave and noble and held so much love in her breast for her sister and family that she would do whatever it took to protect them. She courted the fear. Accepted it. It was a small part of her being and far from the sum of her. It was the seed of her mortality.

Eerie blue eyes opened to take in the full moon that glowed so brilliantly above them. Man? she breathed softly. You cast your gaze upon this gathering and we are thankful for your light. Who will be sent to guide me?. The moon made no answer but the gods rarely spoke in the harsher tongues of mortals, rather they spoke in the strength of the trees, the pulse of the animals, the range of the wind.

She heard the call, the lone, ominous note of her sister. Both knew what had to be done. This was about securing the packs future and about things much larger than themselves. The three-legged seer took to her paws and made her way through the ebony pillars of trees that stretched into the sky above her. Lightning bugs winked at her and skittered on by and she took in everything, the scents, the feeling of the air in her lungs, every little thing that meant she was alive. Tears threatened to kiss her eyes but she swallowed them down. This was not the time for that. She would be strong for her sister. She would be strong for her family. Au?ra stepped to move along side her sister. To feel the heat of the other, to take in her scent, to feel the comfort of that bond one last time.

"Katja? Jeg er Klar."
