
The time has come


08-09-2014, 11:01 PM

Much to her surprise, Ekko would rise, pressing herself against her russet chest, her tiny head would curl around her neck, sobs wracking her tiny body. Craning her neck, she would embrace the tiny woman, silently hugging her while years of pent up emotions spilled out. An apology rolled off her tongue clumsily, each word stuttered before she finally proclaimed why she was acting out. A small smile would tug at her lips. It should have been obvious that Ekko had only wanted to protect her. "You have nothing to worry about." Whether it be herself or her friend, the tiny woman had no reason to worry about either of them. She would take care of them both. She would snuggle the woman tightly, hoping to wash away all her pain with a simple embrace. It pained her to know that her friend had suffered so much pain in her short life time, and now love as such an awful thing. Maybe one day the woman would find love again, and she would learn that its not such a bad thing. Would she ever accept love again? Would she ever want children again? So many questions filled her thoughts but she didn't voice any of them, not wanting to overwhelm her friend, it was a conversation for another day, but one that she contemplated bring up.

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