
Say hi to Roselle


08-10-2014, 04:38 AM

Out-of-Character Name: Eris
How did you get here?: an affiliate on someone's forum
Age: 13

Character's Name: Roselle
Age: 1 yr
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 32 inches
Appearance Description:

Roselle's pelt is purely white, with occasional strands of singular cream hairs draping evenly beneath her underbelly, and her across her finely proportioned shoulders. Her fur is naturally thick and sleek, covering more than half of her body, leaving only her lower legs and muzzle with a course, more ruffled feeling and appearance. Her features are all of the average wolf, although her ears are shorter and slightly rounder unlike others of the same species. Her nose is narrow and lengthly, ending with her pointed black nose which has much the same texture as rough leather.

Roselle is the average height and weight for a wolf of her gender and sub-species. She has long legs and a slightly shorter torso, much the same appearance as her mother. Her legs are well toned with muscle and built precisely to run, she withholds a lot of stamina, but lacks in strength meaning it would be out of her capabilities to fight someone of own size at least. She is overall quite attractive and carries herself with great posture.

Whilst her eyes stand out against her beautiful coat, this means yet another feature of her mother has been inherited. Her purple eyes are the best shade of amethyst, and their glow can be seen through several thick layers of fog from afar. They are large and breathtaking. As the saying goes the eyes are the windows to the soul, well these eyes unleash her personality in so many
Proof of Purchases: n/a