


08-10-2014, 01:28 PM

Name: Demeter Arcturus

Gender: Female


A beautiful girl of many colors, Demeter is 36 inches tall, and packed with power. At her height, she isn't towering over other wolves as much as she would have. Power ripples beneath her muscles, and she keeps her head raised high. Her ears are pricked and alert, and her eyes are sharp. She keeps her tail raised high in dominance, and mostly has a determined look on her face. Her eyes are narrowed, and her mouth is mostly set in a small, straight line. Other times, she tries and keep herself like a perfect little girl. Her head held high, although slightly tilted, and her paws placed neatly out in front of her. If she does laugh, the look on her face is cute, for a pup. Demeter laughs loudly, with her mouth open and her eyes shining.

At night, when the moon's light is really bright, Demeter looks a little different; pelt wise, that is. The white on her shines like silver, giving her a strange shine to her at this time. Her base coat, a medium brown, maybe a little lighter, in daylight, has a silver tint to it and shines a little, although not as much as the white on her. The dark brown on her body shines the less, only having a silver tint, and shining if she were still dripping with water, which is a beautiful sight. The lightest brown markings on her shine a little more than the dark brown on her, but not by much, I must say. When she has went swimming during the night, and if her fur is still dripping with water, the moonlight will catch the droplets of water and make all her fur shine. At this time, she truthfully does look like the child of a goddess, the walk she has almost screaming that out. Her eyes stand out against her earthen body, the contrast beautiful and a little strange. Her eyes reflect anything, from ice shining like a prism, to the sun setting on water.

The girl's base coat, a beautiful medium brown, covers her like a cloak. The velvety fur is sleek to the touch, and always has a beautiful sheen. Different colors coat her, but the medium brown covers her the most. White places a spot in the middle of her back, right where it would seem a broken spine would be most quick and destructive. But, despite that, Demeter does not slather the spot with mud, or anything else, instead keeping it that color white. The same color coats her toes, all four of them, making it all too easy to get them covered in mud. Being the only white markings on her, Demeter has several light brown markings on her. The first starts as a nose blaze {I think that's what it's called}, standing out a little against her dark fur. Before her toes turn white, her front paws and legs are coated quite a bit in that color. On her hind legs, the color is less, just a little spot between her other marking and her toes. That being the end of those markings, there is only one more color to go. Dark brown coats halfway of her ear, but only the outside and middle. Starting just below her chin, brown coats her throat and stomach in brown. The tip of her tail is dark brown as well. Both of her hind legs have a band of dark brown, with a band of her base fur color in the middle.

Demeter's eyes shine in the moonlight, the beautiful color seeming to be flecked with silver as she stares up at the stars. When she isn't, her eyes only shine a little bit, her eyes more like an Adravendi than an Olympus. But, those eyes are beautiful.

A light blue in color, Demeter's eyes are beautiful and strange. The color is beautiful, but they are strange because no other member of her family has her eyes. Flecked with darker blue, and a few mercury specks, making her seem so much more beautiful now that her eyes can be seen from close up.


A proud creature as a pup, Demeter tries to hide any fear from her siblings, afraid she would be made fun of because of her fears. She is mostly a sweet wolf, but her major fear is fire, and will panic whenever the word fire is mentioned at all. She wants to go everywhere before her siblings, and will panic if she cannot. Of course, Demeter is far from a girly wolf, like her mother. She has the same loose tongue, and can be very short tempered at times. Loyal to her siblings, Demeter has said several times that she would die to protect them. She respects Virgil, being the only possible female in the litter. She is independent, leaving before the others so she can go exploring by herself. She isn't afraid to get any scars on her, as long as it isn't too bad. She will try her best to use her imagination to pounce on something as a pup. For example, a tiny bug may be a huge hawk coming to take her and her siblings away. If she did run into something like that, she would try to escape. But not before barking at it, first. As a pup, Demeter is quite reckless.

As an adult, Demeter is different, not afraid to tell her siblings that she's afraid of something, and she is no longer as proud. She is still a sweet wolf, though, and the word fire still bothers her, although not as much. She has nothing like a distaste for romance anymore. But, she will not be a wolf that needs to be saved. She is perfectly capable of saving herself. Unless she was looking inside a volcano and slipped, of course. If there were any males around to save her, she would be grateful to them. She would say that she owed them a favor, that she would do anything he wished. If that slight reckless nature proves anything, she will have a few litters of pups. Just because she was grateful to them. She will not know that this may happen as an adult, but she knows some males may not save her.

Roleplay Sample:

Demeter was absolutely covered in mud. That day, she had went exploring, and even her white fur was a light muddy brown. A grin on her face as she stared at the water, the pup threw herself into the water easily. There was a forest on the other side, and she wanted to see where it lead her. But first, she wanted to see if the mud would wash her body off. It did, and the pup crawled onto the opposite bank with a shiver. Demeter seemed to shine as the moonlight caught the beads of water, and it lasted unil she shook herself off. She knew dangerous things could happen at night. But, reckless as she was, she found herself no longer caring. Walking carefully into the forest, she pricked her ears to hear what she could. Overhead, in a tree, and owl hooted loudly. Jumping back, Demeter stared into its fiery eyes. She jumped as it spoke, as well.

"Little little pup, why are you here? Little little pup, why do you not head home?" Shaking her head, Demeter glared at it. "Because, I am the daughter of a leader. Nothing shall hurt me." The owl stared at her, then turned its head sideways. "Little little pup, having a leader mother will not help you. Little little pup, can you hear it? Can you hear the slithering? Can you hear the heavy breathing of creatures..... Creatures waiting to snap a little little pup like you up in one big gulp?" Demeter fell silent. Yes. She could hear it. Turning her gaze towards the forest, she spoke. "I can hear it, owl." The owl glanced at her, and started to laugh. Whipping around, Demeter glared at it. "It is only a figment of your imagination, little little pup."

Demeter was instantly angry. "Then why would you do that?" The owl took a moment to answer, but he did. "You see, Little Pup-" He started, but Demeter interrupted him. "Demeter." The owl glared at her, then corrected himself. "Demeter. You see, my son is a pup. A very handsome pup, but still a pup. He's the heir to the kingdom, because he can show so much dominance. But.....He needs a queen." Demeter glared at the owl. "No." She growled, and the owl sighed. "I thought you would say that. At least meet him first." He flew away, but managed to keep himself in sight. At last, he stopped, and a pup, not much older than Demeter, pulled himself out of the weeds. His golden gaze met the daughter's blue one, and he allowed a small smile. He was a light, beautiful gray, with black markings on him. Not wolf markings, though. Something that looked like tear stains, only in black, ran down his face. "Father.....She's beautiful." Demeter felt her lips twitch up in a smile. "I am Demeter, the daughter of Virgil Olympus and Syrinx Adravendi." She greeted.

Other: Sorry that it's so late. If you still need one more pup, here's her application. I went shopping yesterday.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'