
To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above[LUDMEETING}



08-10-2014, 02:07 PM

Her heart would beat erratically as her body moved through the misty morning, her brilliant bicolored eyes taking in the still dark lands around her. It was odd not calling on her pack within the Mangroves, for as long as she'd taken up residence here the pack had been nestled in those tree's capable branches. Still, change was not always bad, it was just different, and she could see the beauty in the springs too. A small smile would stick to her features, she was happier now than she'd been in nearly a year. She?d woken early to go and visit Descant?s tiny grave, she missed the boy severely, but she could feel the strength returning to her. It had been far too long since she?d seen her family, her babies were nearly grown now. Life was changing, and faster than she?d have ever anticipated.
As the sun?s rays started to brighten the sky above her she would let herself find a comfortable place in a clearing out side of the spring?s reach. Haunches would coil beneath her as she let the still air of the morning surround her, song birds would begin to chatter and morning would officially begin. Calmly she?d let her head tilt back, jaws parting to let a call summon those she loved the most. It was early but it was beautiful. She?d take another breath as her song finished, shoulders relaxing as her bicolored gaze kept watch for those soon to arrive.

"Speech" Think "You"