
I'd Fight For You


05-12-2013, 02:44 AM

[Ooc: Just a short post, Anyone can join. I just wanted to get him active for the activity check.]

The male had settled in well in Valhalla. Ever since the pack meeting things seemed to have calmed down. No acts of violence. No disturbances. His mother hadn't come back to the borders yet either. He had made a mental note go visit her at some point. Any hopes of finding his father were abandoned. If he did find him he was sure Loki would as well, and gods forbid that happened. He would surely lose his balls if she did manage to catch him. The thought made him shudder inside and it made him ache. That was a horrible punishment.

He'd gotten accustomed to Valhalla's new lands. It was vast as usual and contained many wonderment's. He had yet to choose a den for himself. His body still was accustomed to being constantly on the move. He had a major issue with sitting still or lying in one place for a while, so he slept anywhere he pleased when he was tired. If it rained he would take shelter elsewhere. For now he was content to wander aimlessly about enjoying the autumn breeze and watch the colored leaves fall slowly as the slow conversion to Winter began. It was beautiful, and whether or not someone would share it with him did not matter. The silence was peaceful, but another's company would have been welcomed if the opportunity was thrust upon him. He had yet to truly socialize with the others of his pack save for the pack meeting, and that was hardly a just encounter.
