
The Moon Shines Like A Gem In Your Eyes


08-10-2014, 04:08 PM
The gold and cr?me fae approached the Moontouched Cliffs. The moon was large and it seemed as if it was low enough that you could touch it with your paws. Her eyes shimmered like topaz gems, the smell of the trees and grass that were close to the cliffs erupted into her nostrils. A smile came across her face. Tallulah smiled and closed her eyes, her breathing steady and her heartbeat calm. Every time she would see some place as beautiful as this, she would be calm and composed, as if not a care in the world came into her mind.

"Man, this place is surely beautiful. Wish I could be here forever," she would think to herself. Everything was perfect. The dame sat upon her haunches, everything was perfect. The sounds of the owls hooting and the crows cawing were surely beautiful and peaceful. Though, everything was lonely for she was young and it was only recent that she had left her home. She was never used to being alone and wished she could spend this scene with someone else.