
Something I have Never Dreamt of



05-12-2013, 02:56 AM

The girl finally had come to her senses enough to at least apologize to the male. She'd acted out of impulse, but who could truly blame her? She was just another unfortunate soul who'd been hit by one of life's curve balls and had been forced to suffer. She'd taken it out on him. He wasn't truly to blame. He'd gone crazy, but she'd taken her pain and blamed him for it. She had held a grudge. It had been easier to do that than to truly accept that they were gone simply because life saw it fit to take them all away from her.

She returned to Glaciem and began following his scent. He was old, he'd been older than her by a considerable amount when they had mated, but it hadn't mattered. Now he was on his death bed almost while she was still spry. Her depression hadn't taken it easy on her. Fur was matted and she was frail. Hardly anything to look at anymore. Once she had been a beauty, now she was nothing but dull fur and bones.

Slowly she padded towards the waterfall. His scent emanated from it and she knew he was in there. She hesitated though. She wasn't coming to make amends, only to apologize for her out rage so she could get it off her chest and move on with life. A part of her still felt for the male, but he remembered nothing and returning to Glaciem hadn't helped. A sliver of her heart still ached for him to remember, but it was a lost cause. He would die not knowing anything. She would be stuck remembering everything for the rest of her tiny existence.

She took a deep breath before peeking into the den. Jaws parted to softly call his name, but her voice caught in her throat as blue hues fell upon his rigid frame. Lifeless eyes stared coldly out at the world without really seeing. A soft gasp finally escaped along with a squeak of horror. Regret burned within the very depths of her heart. Slowly she walked to him, she seemed almost afraid as she did so. As if he were going to suddenly pop up and attack her. But no. The black beast was dead. Nose touched his neck to check for a pulse and she'd listened and watch his chest for any sign of movement, but all in vain.

Nostrils flared and tears welled in the female's eyes as silent sobs caught in her chest and rocked her tiny frame. She fell in front of him and then began to weep for the soul lost once more. Wailing. She'd failed to at least give him peace into the afterlife, and for once she felt like a heartless bitch. Something the kind hearted dame never thought she'd ever feel like in her entire existence. What had she done?
