
I can't do this on my own


06-03-2013, 11:52 PM
ooc: So I was thinking, this is where Seraphiel and Iniko meet their uncle Oxia. Sperare found Seraphiel a few days after joining which was when she found out her brother was alive. And takes place before the bear hunt.

The small family was almost whole. Sperare had found her brother, Oxia, in the pack that was sheltering her, and she had found her missing child, Seraphiel. The only thing left now was to have the children meet their uncle, then at least, they could be a whole family. This excited Sperare, she finally had a reason to wear a genuine smile, to be happy without having to force it. Glaciem was taking them in, giving them food and shelter. The bad luck she believed she had, seemed to have been replaced with good, and the light colored wolf was grateful for it.

Here they were, making their way towards the borders. Sperare could feel her legs tremble in anxiety, unsure of what would happen. All she did not was that it would be nothing bad, they Gargoyle would allow Seraphiel to join Glaciem and be sheltered with her mother and brother. Her blue gaze fell to Iniko beside her, smiling at him for a moment before lifting her head, watching her daughter track the smell of their coats to the borders of the pack. Finally, we are together. She thought with a heavy sigh, ears perking up at the howl from up ahead, Seraphiel calling for the Chief before yelling at her mother and brother to hurry.

We're coming, we're coming. She chuckled lightly, quickening her pace to catch up but then slowing down and coming to a stop to stand beside her daughter. She lifted her own head to the sky, releasing a long and smooth howl, letting Gargoyle know she was here. Hopefully it would give him good reason to hurry over, or at least trust who the other voice came from.
