
Live Like you are diying.


08-14-2014, 06:23 AM
Tain gazed at this female that rested in front of him. She did not move an inch, she just laid there. The next things that came across her lips were words of being cold. His eyes saw a slight shiver of the dame, he lowered his head and placed his muzzle on her head. She was cold to the touch, very cold at that. Tain could not leave her here, he knew she needed a place to hide from the cold elements. He looked at her and started to nuzzle her on to his back. He could tell that from how cold she was it would be to hard for her to try to walk at this point. "you need to get to a warm place. Let me assist you."

His words gently rolled off his tongue as he inched her body on top of him. His legs were at a stance so that he could stand and keep her on his pack. He took his muzzle and pushed the rest of her upon his back. Once he knew that she was on his back, Tain started to rise from the ground. His muscles rippled under is skin as he came to a standing position. His back was getting colder, this female's body was taking the advantage of a heat source. Tain did not mind it at all, he would be glad to help her in any way he can. Now standing he looked around the area, his eyes scanning all around him for a shelter.

He did not see any here, he would need to walk farther to find a shelter, or a ground that was not as frozen so he could make one. He started to move, he walked slowly so that the female would not fall, of course he looked back to position her on his back once more. "you will be alright my lady" H spoke once more. The trip was a longer one then Tain expected, but non the less he came to a den, it smelled like no one has been there in ages. Tain lowered himself to the ground, legs curled up under him as he helped the female off of him. He was not sure if she was able to walk yet but he still assisted her in to the den. Once in there he laid down next to her, offering her the heat of his body.