



08-10-2014, 07:42 PM

Solaine felt an entirely over-powering wave of guilt as her sister admitted that she had missed her. Of course, Solaine had felt no less a thing for Guinevere, but she could have admitted to her that she was leaving. She could have told her that she was going to find the family that they had lost. She was a poor excuse of a sibling in that regard, but time could not be gathered back and she could not undo the events of the past. Even though, her leaving had let her get some closure no one else could really have. Solaine now knew that Collision was dead and their family was that much smaller. Solaine now knew that things wouldn?t really be the same. She was going to have to change, and the change needed to start with telling her sister?

?I missed you too, Guinnie,? She offered her a kind smile, but there was something a little sadder to her eyes now. It was doubtful that Guinevere would miss it, and Solaine did not want to make a show of hiding it. She needed to know. How was she supposed to tell her own sister something like that?? you know where Azalea is? Or Gael? I have something to say...but it?s?I don?t know,? she knew it was enough to catch pretty much anyone?s attention, but maybe it was a bit that needed to be told to a group as a whole...Azalea...Gael?our father is dead. She wanted her family together, but it was a dream that was unrealistic. They could, of course, find blood and those related to them, but it was the immediate family that she so desired.

Solaine pulled from her sister?s grasp a bit and rocked back onto her legs. She was sitting there watching Guinevere carefully. She wasn?t happy to dwell on the happenings, but alas, it was what it was. Solaine offered her a slight smile and her eyes carefully watched her. She smelled like...a lot of wolves so it was likely that she had a home. She wore a more curious smell, but it was likely just something she had developed in their time apart, ?Do you, uhm...So, you have somewhere to live now?? she found the possibility both bittersweet. Valhalla was gone so it was unlikely that Guinevere had fallen in elsewhere that had family, but if she was in a pack there were probably several who loved her very dearly.
