
Will You Accept My Love Again?



11 Years
08-10-2014, 07:51 PM
He gave a sniff of his runny nose and wiped his eye with the side of a faded black ankle, head rising to look at Tahlia. There. He had said it. Finally speaking to Tahlia his attachment to Destruction. It explained his decision of why he had made her Godmother, and why he had reacted so at Tahlia's snatching of the title away from his friend. But the she-wolf he'd pledged his heart and body to already knew, and it shocked him. Could it have been when he was banished that the two females met? One telling the other? But even at hearing her admit that she knew his relationship, he was to be the strong mate that she had accepted to be his those years ago. The elder took a step closer to her, all the while his single milky sapphire eye watching his mate.

Her doubting words, of whether he loved her or not were hurtful to hear. How could she even think those thoughts. All the memories of their nuzzling and cuddling. Actions that resulted in young or renewed their bond that they had as mates. "She is now a friend who I'm looking out for. Des is, well. She appears to be struggling. I love you Tahlia. I showed you twice that resulted in two young. I showed you by the river before we came to Ebony." Bane's head dipped slightly. "I don't even know what to think right now. I've proved myself to you time and time again, but then this comes up and you question if my feelings for you that I've had for several years? It was all a lie I was living?" The pale elder took several steps forward, almost right next to her. With a tensed up breath he touched his cheek to her, muzzle rubbing up the side of her face so that his maw was right next to her ear. "No. No. No. No." Tahlia... when I was banished Des came to me at the river in heat. Nothing happened. For your are my partner. And it would rip apart my soul should I turn my back on that and live my previous life."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•