
Will You Accept My Love Again?



11 Years
08-10-2014, 07:55 PM
She had drawn herself back when he had spoke though her legs were static, but still Bane's uncertain paws had brought him close as he drew back from her ear and rubbed his muzzle against hers. No stepping away or a bite. Progress. Both of the wolves eyes had some remnants of tears, golden to milked-over sapphire. He took a step back to fully look at her, head tilting slightly to see Tahlia before him. Fresh signs of sorrow came up, the she-wolf having tears bead up and fall along her fur to land at her paws. "I find her presence pleasing, and especially if she's with our young and being happy..." Whatever Bane was going to say was lost as Tahlia rushed forward and pressed her neck and muzzle against him.

He was slightly taken aback, returning the gesture with equal affection. "I never want to feel this again too, I..." Tahlia pressed her nose against the corner of his jaw and placed a kiss. On his jaw and below the nose. Surprise held him still for a moment, the male sensing what she wanted to go with this. And he didn't deny her, even after she had whispered that she loved him she didn't stop. Only confirming her want with a murmur into a ear. And he wouldn't deny her, Bane taking stock of their location with a few glances. It's was moderately early in the day of Ebony, and his mate had chosen this place well for what she asked if it wasn't its original intention. With a rumbling growl, confirming her statement, Bane pressed his muzzle firmly against her in a deep kiss. His tongue dined upon her maw, eyes closed and he pressed up against her. Licks were administered to her nose, cheeks, eye, neck. And all the while Bane would vocalize the growl he knew she loved to hear. The wolf nipped her throat and ran his fangs along an ear, hot breath breathed as he withdrew an intruding tongue from her muzzle. A certain gait was administered to his stride as he moved to her side.

The pale wolf brought in legs around her chest from across her back and drew himself behind her, faded black forelegs gripping the crook of Tahlia's hind legs with purpose. Bane felt his fangs sink into his mates russet and black neck and pulled, chest pressing against her back as his breathing quickened. He shifted on his hind paws and leaned forward to bring her chest to the ground, feeling Tahlia's tail being held to the side for the coming act. The pale wolf's belly molded against her rump as he brought reestablishment to their shaken relationship with but a gentle and purposeful press of his hips. And all that was felt was bliss.

And after a score of stolen moments together as one flesh, it was over, their bodies finally freeing up. Bane opened his clenched eyes with a rumble and rubbed his forelegs along her sides to further dishevel the fur. Jaws slacked and he slumped off Tahlia's back to land on his side in the dirt. Vigorous. Rough. Loving. Prolonged. Heated and passionate. A peak that he had skillfully made her experience with him. And it had been about her during the act, all he did was preform. To assure her that even after his violent episode three days past that he could still love as skillfully and tenderly as before. Ears would unpin from his skull and he let out a shaky sigh. And the empty ache in his heart was gone for the first time in a three days.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•