
Will You Accept My Love Again?



7 Years
08-10-2014, 08:01 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

He said nothing at first, merely cast his gaze around in a way that seemed distracted against what she had suggested. As if he needed the convincing, not quite realizing that he was merely assessing their location for what would occur, Tahlia drew her tongue again across his cheek, hesitating after to see if it had had any effect. She wanted very much to show him that she still loved him, that she was able to set aside what had happened and move forward into greater things. Physical affection had always been his means of conveying his feelings but now she wanted to make it hers, taking a page from his book so there would be no question in his mind that she still loved him. If he would only look at her--

The sudden growl that stole through Bane, low and deep and full of desire, caused the black and russet woman to shiver on instinct, ears folding, as her anxiety that he might somehow still be angry with her got the better of her. But as she remained tensed, still as stone, expectant of the worst, he caught her off guard with a kiss. It was firm, coated with his passion, but soft and sweet and gentle. So unlike what she remembered from three days past. New tears sprang into her eyes, relief at knowing that the man she remembered was still here, still wanted her just as he always did, and as a shameless whine was breathed she felt her body relax, fears giving way for desire.

She forgot entirely that she had wanted to lead them, driven to absolute distraction by each kiss, each caress, each rough nip against her that her husband made. Her heart might have already begun racing, her body alight with need as he set her ablaze, but she matched him touch for touch, nipping along his chin, kissing his neck and throat, hoping his desire would burn as brightly as hers before she allowed him anymore ground. But already he was everywhere. His teeth grazed against her ear, nipped at her throat, his tongue caressed her cheek, her eye, her mouth, every touch slow burning, always soft and intimate. Before she even realized it, he was already slipping behind her, his paws moving along her sides to fit against her hips while his teeth took a firm hold upon her neck. Already breathless with anticipation and just a little anxious, she let her front half be guided to the ground, tensing beneath Bane. Just fleetingly she wondered if his gentle demeanor would linger, especially now that he had her in such a compromising position, so utterly at his mercy.

But she had nothing to fear. He was just as gentle if not gentler than he had ever been, bringing her to tears with the tenderness, the consideration, behind every action. He had catered to her every want, her every desire, picking up on even subtle cues she had not realized she had made, and left her wholly satisfied. Her sides tingled as his paws passed once again along her sides, feeling the familiar sting against her neck as he released his hold on her and quickly sunk to the ground beside her. Eyes still closed, devoting her attention to feeling, she let herself do the same, sinking completely to the ground to rest her chin upon her paws as she attempted to get her breath back and listening to her husband at her side. Cracking her eyes opening and turning her head to look his way through her good eye, Tahlia drew herself closer, reaching out to softly kiss Bane's nose.