



7 Years

08-10-2014, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 10:37 PM by Bass.)

He watched the emotions change on the strange creature in front of him, and knew that he had irked the beast into a fight. Bass readied himself, knowing what was coming. This was not only a fight to protect his member, it was also a fight of dominance, of who was the better man. Isardis had many years on him, which meant that he would be more skilled and more knowing when it came to a fight. But Bass would be faster, and able to absorb damage more than an aged wolf. Watching as the man set his defenses, he did as well. Legs spread as his claws dug into the earth, alabaster ears folding back to lay flat against his skull. Bass stood up at full height, tail standing out to align with his spine as lips pulled back in a snarl. Tucking his chin into his chest, his hackles rose as he narrowed his eyes at Isardis. Bass was ready, his weight balancing out to all four legs as he slightly bent them, taking in a deep breath. Butterflies roamed in his belly, nerves frayed as he tried to calm them. Isardis was the most experienced fighter he had come face to face with, and he was starting to doubt his own abilities. Attempting to calm himself, Bass rolled his shoulders as his neck scrunched, protecting his vitals. He was as ready as he would ever be...

Bass didn't have too long to think things over at Isar made his way towards him at as easy gate, Bass attempted to slide his body to his own left as Isar came at him. He was not quite fast enough though, and Isar's shoulder blade rammed into Bass', Isar's shoulder connecting with the tip of Bass' sternum tip. It sent a jolt through his body, he could feel the tenderness of the deep bruise spread along his shoulder. Shuttering, he blinked back the pain and used it to fuel himself forward. It may have been one hell of a blow, but it also helped wake up his senses and make him more aware. Bass' eyes locked on his opponent, watching as Isar's head began to rose. Reacting quickly, Bass attempted to toss his own head higher, aiming to knock the top of his {Bass'} skull against the bottom of Isar's jaw. The attempted movement would block the bite that was aimed to lock on his skull, and with Bass' attack he hoped to stop a further bite to his head. Bass did not see Isar's right limb moving towards his own, and the albino brute was successful of pulling Bass' right leg slightly off of the ground. It threw him off balance, and on first instinct he attempted to catch himself by splaying out his front limbs, trying to stop himself from falling on the ground. Trying to hold himself with his stretched out front limbs, Bass quickly aimed to lock his teeth around Isar's retreating right paw, hoping to lock down on it.



Round 1 of 2

Defenses : "claws dug into the earth", "ears folding back to lay flat against his skull", "tail standing out to align with his spine", "lips pulled back in a snarl", "Tucking his chin into his chest", "hackles rose", "narrowed his eyes", "weight balancing out to all four legs", "he slightly bent them {them being his legs}", "rolled his shoulders", "his neck scrunched"
Attacks : Attempting to ram his head up, hoping to connect the top of his skull with the underside of Isar's jaw, attempting to bite his right front paw.
Injuries: Deep bruising on right shoulder
Notes: We decided on Lunar to judge this, and got approval for it. Also! I used THIS bone guide.

Yumpy gave me permission to edit because I broke my table T.T