
To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above[LUDMEETING}



2 Years
08-10-2014, 11:26 PM


She hadn't exactly stuck within Ludicael's territory as of late, though she wasn't exactly expected to, nor entirely welcome. As a wanderer- a loner, by choice, she wasn't allowed to waltz into the pack lands just because her family lived there and she'd been born there. She'd left, and stayed gone for the most part, so visiting required permission of course, as far as she was concerned. So when her mother's call rang out she was hesitant to cross the borders, tea cupped paws turned to stone just before she could cross the borders. It was her mother, and she should see what all the hubbub was about, but the pallid femme wasn't exactly keen on the thought of intruding where she shouldn't and then getting her face ripped off by any of the warrior types. Though, on the off chance she was recognized, it might not be terrible for her to show. As well, Ludicael had never been too harsh with those who wanted to listen in, on account that they may be seeking to join. Tall, mismatched audits would flatten against her skull, and rise, only to sink back towards her dial again as she hesitated and thought. Banner swung to and fro in frustration for a few moments, nervous to be invading where she might not be welcome. Not many of her siblings wanted to see her, if Canta's word meant anything.
Heaving a loud sigh, the young lady picked up her black and white feet and plodded toward the centre of attention, heading for the meeting. She'd hang along the outskirts, just to watch and listen for anything that might be good to know. She didn't exactly want to get information second hand, when she might be needing it at some point. Long legs took silent strides, the femme crept forward stealthily enough to get an idea of what's going on before she wandered too close. The crowd was growing, and was sure to get much larger as time went on, so she hung farther from the group, pacing quietly along the fringes. Her dual toned gaze sought her mother's laden form, wondering if her mother would call attention to her in a way that would get her in trouble. She knew her mother loved her, there was no doubt in her mind, but she got the feeling the pearl woman had called this meeting for important reasons, and she might not want her rogue daughter there for official business.
Regarding the crowds, she noticed few of the smaller forms bore a striking resemblance to her mother, and decided those whelps must be some of her newest siblings. Maybe afterward she could catch up with a few, see what they were like. Though, from what she saw of a pale young thing, they didn't hold Song in as high regard as she and her litter did. Circumstances would tell the tale, it seemed. Canta was quick to come to their mom's defense, and though the two had not parted on the best of terms, she felt a twinge of pride that her sister had been quick to calm the youngster's anger. Remaining on her feet, the willowy damsel continued to regard the growing masses, and thought to herself about random little things. All the while, she would lurk in the background and wait for what came next.