
Song of a chance encounter



7 Years

08-11-2014, 02:09 AM

When the woman called him a gentleman he felt heat rush to his cheeks at the compliment. To him it was just part of his nature, it wasn't an activity that he forced himself to act in. She said that she was indeed looking for a home, which caused his tail to wag behind him slowly. They were always looking for strong wolves to fill his ranks up. While she was small, Bass did not judge on appearance. Even the smallest of wolves could be the best warriors, so he was very careful to not let his mind assume things. Nona then told him that she was singing in Japanese, which caused him to tilt his head. He had never heard of Japanese before, but it sounded really pretty. She even offered to teach him! "I would love that very much Nona, I would love to learn some of this Japanese. Its very pretty and... flowing." He said, his tail picking up a bit of speed.

She asked if he was accepting members into his ranks, and his head nodded slowly. "Of course Nona, but I do have a question for you first. In which do you find yourself to be most skilled in? Fighting, scouting, or healing?" He asked, breaking down his ranks in more latent terms. At times, his ranks were a bit of a mouthful, but they meant a lot to him. If she chose fighting, he would have a little bit more explaining to do. Abaven was a strange pack indeed, it was much different from all others. Some wolves liked the way that it worked, and others did not. It didn't effect Bass too much, he was not in this to force members into his ranks.

Nona posted another question, making a small chuckle bubble up from his throat. "Not to worry Nona, my ranks are in a different language as well. Armenian. Azat is the alpha rank of Abaven, and Abaven means Protector." He said, his golden eyes shimmering with pride. He was very proud of his pack, and all of those within in. Folding himself onto his rump, his head tilting as he gazed at the dark brown female. He was very curious in what rank she would think fit her best.