
You Were My Conscience...

Gargoyle I


05-12-2013, 06:14 AM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


(ooc: sounds good to me!)

Slipping back, regressing towards the dangerous creature he was, had been all too easy. Episodes like that once had been common, but now they came less and less - but that didn't make them any less frightening and infuriating when he came back to his normal mind. Only a minute ago he'd been so close to shutting her up forever. Only Ocena, and the little pup's words had stopped him. Without them... Oh but that was -exactly- why the male knew he had to surround himself with good wolves. They didn't stop bad things from happening, but they made the burdens so much easier to bear. They reminded him of who he was and what he now stood for.

He might've been Chief, but the truth was that he needed them as much as they needed him.

Family was his godsend. And now he was willing to share that with another lost soul. "Really," Gargoyle assured her. He glanced at Ocena, out of instinct. Seeking her encouragement and calm. "Stay for a season to get your strength back up, or stay until your son is strong, or stay put and become a true member of the pack, it is up to you.-" But suddenly Gargoyle realized something in the words the she-wolf had said before. "-But you said 'children', 'taking care of -children', have you other pups?" That she would leave them alone- Well perhaps she had to. Perhaps she had to trust to the shelter of a den for some while taking the other with her. One of the dangers of being a rogue and a mother. The thought of pups, as it always did, filled Gargoyle with a determined softness. Yes he needed to get this family into the safety of his borders as soon as possible.

"Gather your children, mother," he rumbled in his more gentle tone of command,"I or my wife will help you if you wish, but then come." He tilted his head slightly. Looking first to the pup, the son of Crohn, and then to the she-wolf. "I've only one thing to ask of you..." It wasn't a favor, it wasn't a promise. It was something that, had he been a decent sort in those dark years, he would've already known. But here, then was the first step towards that betterment: "...Your name."
