
Song of a chance encounter



4 Years
08-11-2014, 02:45 AM

Nona smiled at Bass as she listened intently to what he had to say to her. He was interested in learning japanese the very thought of teaching someone else the language made her feel warm inside because she could teach someone else something. Listening to his words further he asked her what she found herself most skilled in, she has had a little training as a healer before but it was rather brief and hasn't been able to use what she learned yet. Bass broke down the ranks of his pack to her and as soon as he mentioned healing she knew what she wanted ?I'll take up the rank of a healer and I hope to be of use to the pack as that rank? She spoke softly but her answer didn't waver as she looked Bass in the eyes her forest green eyes quickly started to look Bass over again as the brute spoke again.

The fae couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her lips as he explained what language his pack ranks were in but when she heard Armenian she was instantly curious about that. Abaven, the place that she could call home her life was beginning to grow into something far more than she could've ever hoped for and perhaps she could find someone who would be her special someone but for now, Nona was content with what she was being offered. The earthy colored fae wanted to learn Armenian and so thus another question came from her ?If you would be willing to teach me, I would like to learn Armenian if you would be willing to do so?? Nona truly desired to learn that language now. Perhaps it would be a fair trade in terms of learning and teaching one another a language.

She wanted to sing again but was waiting for Bass's answers to come before then. Her mind was forming lyrics about Bass and Abaven one of which that she could sing and impress everyone there. Nona was excited and her tail very much showed this as it swayed about rather quickly and her smile danced across her maw even more. She had to ask him if he'd like her to sing for the pack sometime no matter his answer she would respect it ?Bass, would you mind if I sung for you, for the pack?? Nona was still curious about his answers but she knew she wasn't going to really get any if she kept piling on question after question.

"My search has come to its end"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-