
poor little king


08-11-2014, 12:55 PM

"Of course you can Wren!" A smile widened those inky lips of hers, tail thumping at the earth as he nuzzled her ear. It would be so nice to be with Bass at Abaven...she wouldn't have to wait for him anymore, she would get to spend more time with him. After all...Abaven needed warriors, and Ludicael had plenty of those. They also had a ton of healers...but it was one thing she'd think over later. Maybe at the meeting. Now, her mind drifted back into reality. Right into Bass' question. She knew right then what she wanted to be, and with a swift opening of her maw, she sang out, "I want to be your warrior, Bass." Her voice was full of excitement and happiness, as she moved in closer to him and nuzzled up into his soft creamy fur.
After that, she stood quiet, and continued to sink into his soothing warmth. She wouldn't feel ashamed to fall asleep by her friend. They were both in such a comfortable position...and to move away from it so easily was just too difficult. Plus, she was exhausted. So, she moved her head beside his, trying yet again to get closer to the man. Then to shut those precious emeralds of hers. It took a few moments for her to actually get to sleep...but it was a lot easier with Bass so close to her. --- Though...she wondered if her friend would also fall asleep at her side. So he didn't have to wait til she woke up? Then they could both head back to Abaven once they scurried away from slumber...

(( ooc )) asdfghj really short. but I think them falling asleep should be the end of our thread...then you or I could make a new one in abaven?