
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



5 Years
08-11-2014, 01:19 PM

The ear-splitting summon of the once known Red King tore through the silent atmosphere, triggering the massive black mass awake and a bit angry. His old beloved had seen to challenge that behemoth...but instead, got his former queen in the way of everything. The mention of the challenge always brought frustration to his chest. He could of been a king with Six. The opportunity, though, just fled from his paws like a distressed snake. it was even darker matters. It was a death match that this nasty fiend had requested of his king. His king. The albino foolish. This Aldoro would not miss. Not a chance. After all...Isardis was his king. He was the king to his beloved...he kept her safe. So, why not go watch?
The dark brute arrived at the battlefield within no time. The aroma of death and decay filled his nose and made his lips extend into an excited grin, fur pricking immediately. The smell of this place had also made this beast feel welcomed. It always made him smile, or grin, like he was now. was a fine pleasure to come watch the event. Isardis, Syrinx, Roman, and two others were already gathered. It took a moment for the beast to remember Roman, his former queen...but then the memory popped into his little head. He wondered how her pack was doing...but he wondered even more who'd die today.
Long, muscular legs carried him over to his king, head aligned with his spine and tail bobbing softly between his hind legs. Once her arrived at his left, he lifted his chin and released a brief chuckle. Then spoke after Roman had. ?Make him suffer, my king.? With that, the ebony monster made his way to the sides of the battlefield, leaning back on his torso and staring toward the glorious red challenger. He snorted and turned back to Isardis. He knew the albino king could send him down to hell...he had faith in him.