
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



6 Years
08-11-2014, 01:20 PM

Azalea would hark the battle cry. A call from blood, sending a kiss of death to Indarra for the pale king of the north. Isardis no longer had a booming kingdom but he still had his strength, Azalea knew as much from their last meeting.

The father of her first born sons could not die today.

It was a harsh thought to spin in her auburn furred head, especially given that it meant to say that her own flesh and blood deserved the death he dealt. Her uncle had attempted many things in his life, this would be the one that he could not back out of though. He would either serve to add chaos as he so loved to do, or he would crumble before Isardis.

Her paws carried her swiftly, following closely behind Roman. Armada versus Adravendi had been written in blood before and now it would be again. Under the silver light of the moon her uncle stood with his exposed jaw. Before him was Isardis. They were wordless and motionless so instead Azalea turned her attention to the crowd.

Her stomach turned restlessly as she wondered if Isardis would notice her presence, wondering also if he would care what side she stood for.

She would not stand quite neutral, proclaiming her place among her family's enemies as she came to stand beside Roman. Azalea seated herself, fiery eyes looking across to her aunt. It had been ages since last she had seen her aunt Epiphron. It was clear that she rooted for her brother, telling him that he couldn't fail. To Azalea now it was a foolish to say as Syrinx had failed before. Perhaps the threat of his mortal life made him more of a competitor?

"End him, Isardis." Would come the words of Roman just as her cousin appeared. Azalea remained silent, eyes drifting to Roman for a moment before going to watch the two males square off.