
Things Are Changing



08-11-2014, 01:56 PM

The brute didn't have to wait long. Soon his amber eyes caught sight of a silvery male coming his way. Crucifix had not changed much, for even as a rogue he had held himself with confidence. But Dayton noticed the slight differences in posture. Even around his old friend he had to present himself with dominance. The russet boy understood and respected that. He nodded and smiled as Crucifix came nearer.

The alpha greeted his friend with a cheerful voice, one that resonated in Dayton's mind. It made him feel safe and at home again. Somehow the silvery brute always had that effect on him. "I've been doing wonderfully, Crucifix... or is it alright for me to call you sir now?" He winked lightly and brushed his shoulder against the larger man. "Congratulations, my friend. I can't wait to see how you run things around here." After all, this was a whole new life. New lands to explore, new wolves to meet, new adventures to be had... Dayton was looking forward to it.

"However, I'm sure you know why I've called you here," he said. The smile dimmed a bit but did not disappear. Talking about business and serious matters wasn't his favorite thing to do, especially not with such a dear friend. But it had to be done. He had to speak to Crucifix like the alpha he was, all stiffness and formalities included. "I'd like to discuss my ranking in Solstice. I can only hope that you have a place for me, but I would not dare to assume that you hold me on any kind of pedestal. Our friendship doesn't require that you assign me as a beta, for example," he laughed.

"I'm not prepared for that sort of ranking anyhow. But I am prepared to start as a hunter, and I will work my way up the ladder fair and square. What do you say?"