



09-18-2014, 11:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth listened as her new position within Olympus was named, but only as the description of her duties was listed did it click within her mind just which position she had been granted. She had thought from the beginning, when she had first entertained thoughts of joining up with a new pack to protect her family, that she would need to start from the bottom of the ranks and work her way up in order to earn the status that she had once been given in Valhalla. It had taken considerable time for her to move through their ranks, considerable effort put into her practice, and even without her trying for it she had been granted a lead hunter's position. Here and now, she had only hoped to become a mere hunter, just one of many, but the label she had been given instead was Strategos.

The surprise of Natalya's offer was obvious - the lean grey wolf's jaw had fallen slack and her purple and gold eyes had widened in disbelief - but the honor of it was right upon its heels. What faith this woman must have had in her words to give her such a position right from the start! Or were they simply in that much need of someone to fill it? "Strategos," Ash murmured quietly, trying the title - her title - out for the first time. It felt strange on her tongue, but the responsibility of it settled over her like an old friend, a position and task that she knew well enough to take comfort in its familiar demands. "Thank you," she answered, humbly inclining her head. It was much more than she could have asked for.

Talk turned then to her children, and glancing toward them Ashtoreth listened as her new Matriarch explained what would be expected of them. They were so close to a year already, so very near to being able to choose which direction they wanted their lives to go. And in all their travels, in all their trials, had she ever tried to determine herself what their strengths, their interests were? She had been far too concerned with their health, their well being, to think about the intricacies that made them who they were, and she was sad to realize she had no idea what either of them might take an interest in. But she offered them supportive smiles nonetheless, promising herself to watch them more closely, to learn more about them now that she no longer worried so much over them, and hoped it was not too late for her to find out who here children were.