



08-11-2014, 02:57 PM

She knew that she?d have to focus if she was going to be able to get through this interaction with her head on her shoulders. Brilliant eyes would take in every aspect of Solaine?s appearance, how much older she was, how gorgeous she?d become. She might have said the same about herself a day ago. But where had the girl been all this time? She?d missed her, along with the rest of their family. Of course she wouldn?t miss the strain in Sol?s eye, had she not just returned from the most shameful moment of her life Guinevere might have missed it. Her sister would answer though, and continue with a question. Where were their other siblings?
More importantly what did Solaine have to say? She?d begin to focus on the possibilities, but at the same time she knew where that train of thought might lead her to. ?Aza moved to Tortuga with her sons. She just had another litter with Sarak. Gael?s been gone a long time.? It hurt how splintered their family had become. How had it been so simple to disintegrate so easily? She?d catch Sol?s bicolored gaze as the other girl studied her sister as intimately as she. Her scent had changed, the life of a rogue did that sometimes.. did she even catch a whiff of their father? Eyes would widen briefly before she socked the idea to be her imagination.
She would continue with her questions, where was she living now. She must have known Valhalla was no more. Though Guin had left even before the challenge had taken place she?d more recently found her home in Ludicael. ?Yes, I live in Ludicael with..? What did she call him now? What would he even think of her? ?My friend, Dhiren.? She didn?t want to push the subject, she didn?t even know if she?d be let to stay in the pack. ?What adventures have you been on? Surely more than I can remember.?

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