



08-11-2014, 06:35 PM

Though it had not gone wholly as the ghoul had initially planned, his right shoulder blade still manages a satisfying crack upon Bass? own right-side sternum. The shock of collision is quickly absorbed by the muscles of his chest, blissfully unaware of his own minor bruises of recovery that were both expected and un-harming. As Isardis? spine uncoils and gaping jaws seek to snake towards the youth?s right-side scruff, Isardis is suddenly deterred by a clash to the backwards point of his right cheek, seemingly caused by the crown of Bass? skull. Despite the aching suggestion of mild bruising and shock, he identifies the counter and attempts instead to angle his skull more rightwards, to try and wrap his jaws eagerly around the marked structures of Bass?s snout whilst he presumably retreats from his partially successful counteract. Isardis strives to land his lower canines beneath the tender fleshy areas of the male?s underside jaw (aimed for Bass? right-side face), while upper canines and incisors hope to find clamping purchase over the top regions of his snout, to tighten at bone crushing velocity and try to cause damage not only to the oppositions facial structure, but to the soft tissue that guards the tongue beneath his lower mandible.

Bass? sudden change in weight suggests Isardis? right forepaw has succeeded in its endeavours to hook around the man?s own right forelimb and tip it back towards him. Releasing any hold he may possibly have attained over the man?s jaws and acting quickly upon the first suggestion of success, Isardis attempts to take a single, swift leftwards step with his left hind limb; striving to pivot his chest at more of an angle with Bass? right shoulder and the beginning of his right ribcage. With barely moments to spare the albino coils sinew within his hinds and attempts to jut his left shoulder blade, making a vicious attempt at lurching forwards and simultaneously striving to plummet his left shoulder into the tender right-front ribcage intimately behind the boy?s right elbow. Isardis not only hopes to wedge bone against ribs and cause them to damage and splinter, but also to throw the man?s apparently wavered weight toppling even more so to his left. If he could cause the youth to lose balance it would be game over.

A snap of frustration comes forth in a low growl as Isardis feels the pained pinch of discomfort against his outer, mid-way right foreleg. Though the ghoul was somewhat unaware of the man?s initial intentions, Isardis had already replaced his forepaw against the loam previously; Bass having found piercing purchase almost a centimetre into the skin, unknowingly not where he had intended. In retaliation Isardis swiftly lifts his right paw, reaching it forwards and rightwards in an attempt to bring slightly pointed toes down on Bass? own splayed right paw, hoping to graze dulled claws down the mid length of the man?s leg simultaneously. He sought only to sprain the beast?s foot and to cause enough discomfort to hopefully cause the bastard to release the squeeze of his fangs. His weight is heavy on his right paw for but a moment before he restabilises his balance, still sustaining his defences; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, hackles bristling, weight even, limbs squared, toes splayed and claws digging, spine aligned with ?ruddering? tail, chin tucked, shoulders rolled and abdomen tight.

Isardis vs. Bass ? Round 2 of 2!

For Irune and Dominance.

Attacks: Responding to Bass' attempted counter with a bite aiming to clasp around the mans right-side muzzle and cause damage to the tender areas beneath his chin and tighten in an effort to cause further damage to bone structure. Forward thrust with his left shoulder blade into Bass' ribs behind the right elbow, and attempting to stop on his right front paw with his own right fore paw, and simultaneously scrape nails down his forelimb.

Injuries: Bruising and discomfort to the right, underside cheek, moderate skin lacerations (about 1cm deep) to his right outer, mid forelimb.