


08-11-2014, 06:38 PM
setting this post miscarriage-

She wasn't accustomed to feelings of such darkness, such numbness. Her ivory legs had carried her away from Greek, from the confines of her den, and from the depths of Regium. She wasn't really aware of where her legs were taking her. Vaguely she was aware of her stomach growling and she realized she couldn't remember when she had last ate. Surely she had lost weight? She paused, near a small puddle a remnant from the last nights rain and stared down into it, the cloudy day reflecting in the water. She looked gaunt, her eyes duller then normal. Her ears lay flat against her head. A sigh leaves her, and she starts walking again, not even flinching as she trods through the cold water. It seeps deep with in her fur, chilling her, and she shivers.

She is growing less aware of where she travels, until the pungent smell of Indarra, her fathers new empire seeps into her lungs. She freezes, barely on the right side of the border and stands warily. Her tail hangs idly at her hocks as she stares into the sound's territory, a place she'd spent a fair bit of time. Cold dreary rain fell from the sky, as if the earth was grieving with her for the loss of unborn life, and she shivered. She would stand, as still as a statue, her violet eyes staring dully into a land, that borders would deny her. Waiting.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak