



2 Years
08-11-2014, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 09:56 AM by Drashiel.)

Another and another they would file in. First the red-headed wolf whom Drashiel recognized as a member of Roman's pack and then his half-sister Athena. Everything was spinning and moving around him as the brute held perfectly still, body rigid as his eyes rested on the pups. He knew before Greek even spoke that the pups were dead. Limbs felt suddenly weak. Jaw moved as if to say something but he could not force the words from his throat, they clung and clawed at the top of his lungs refusing to dislodge. She'd lost the pups. She'd lost the pups. She'd lost them.

Roman realized the words as he did and Drashiel squeezed his eyes shut as she spoke. He could not bare to gaze at her face so twisted in pain and despair. What madness had brought fate to bestow so cruel a blow to the might queen? NO, he could not merely stand here. Drashiel moved to slip inside the den, reaching out to lick Roman's cheek. "Aye? they're gone. It's not your fault Roman. I won't even allow you time to think that. Not everything always goes as we want it to but you are strong. You are the strongest woman I know and you will make it through this." His voice was soft yet calm and far more assured than he felt. Eyes moved back to the pups. Something must've not quite developed right, after all she had been sick when they were conceived hadn't she? Drashiel felt himself momentarily alarmed at this sudden rush of cold logic as he reached down to take one of the pups in his jaws. She didn't need to be staring at them while trying to recover. He'd take them outside and later they could bury them.


ooc: Drashiel leaves to take the pups and bury them. let me know if you guys want another post from me in this thread