
We Were Never Here[P]



08-11-2014, 09:52 PM

She could feel his eyes all over her, he was playing her again and she knew it. Why was she back in his presence? Why did she have to worry about being outside of her pack lands. She wasn?t a prisoner, she shouldn?t have had to keep herself from the world just because he couldn?t control his urges. Not that he?d given her any chance to ignore hers. He?d just laugh at her pitiful defenses, she?d startle as her rump hit the dark wall. Even through her growl he would continue closer, his teeth scouring over her cheep. She could feel the pinch of his teeth this time, the heated anticipation coiling beneath him. A dangerous overpower presence he would become, not the subtle casanova he?d been before.
She could feel as he exerted a power over her now, he?d had her once, easily, now he was just taking her for the fun of it. She?d feel her jaws open as she tried to bite at him, to ward him away from her space. She didn?t want this. Her first time with him had been an accident, she wasn?t about to let him take her again. He?d rake her delicate skin with his dulled claws, and she?d feel her weight give out from the touch. She?d fall into his chest and find his whispers in her ear. ?No. No. Never,? She?d growl again as she scrambled to her feet, pushing herself closer to the wall.

Table by Lu - Code for Ala Only
[Image: wssc54.jpg]