
Beauty of the Orchard



4 Years
08-11-2014, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 11:28 PM by Aoto.)

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto quietly trotted amongst the Orchard alone still. He wasn't sure if there was going to be someone out there for him as he began to let his mind wander. This place was absolutely amazing with not only its lush color and appearance the aroma was just as appealing of the place. The dusty brown brute let his gaze fall upon everything in sight. He wasn't aware if anything was going to come up on him besides the constant buzzing of insects that were here. He let out a long sigh as he was thinking however no matter how much he was thinking his mind wasn't able to take him away from the fact that there was no one here.

He was still thinking to himself about all those who he has met so far, Ashtoreth, and Vaishya . Aoto was still on this road once again the road that was ever so lonely. The thought made him want to cry out to the sky but he refrained from doing so to prevent himself from landing himself into a whole lot of trouble. No matter though as he kept pressing forward the sooner he could find company the better as he was becoming annoyed by being alone. His paws carried him ever further in the Orchard but never did it cease to amaze him by its sheer beauty. He was ever so interested in the surrounds and as such decided for awhile to let himself take a break and rest as he sat down on his haunches wondering what he may find here. Perhaps there might be something of medical use he could take with him or at least learn about by seeing it in physical form and not just by idea.