
Beauty of the Orchard


08-12-2014, 12:03 AM
The russet and cr?me dame smiled at the beautiful scenery that lay before her. The lush greenery that was underneath her paw pads tickled, and she couldn't help but smile at the presence of the grass. Spring was still here, and it was the faes favorite season. Everything is new and perfect. The sounds of songbirds made her heart flutter, and her smile stayed across her maw. The grass made a soft swishing sounds as she began to walk through the green blades. But, she would soon smell the stench of a brute. She had not met many males, and a smile stayed on her face as he soon saw him.

"Hello, may I join you?" She asked, her light topaz optics looking into the male's eyes, listening for an answer as her lobes stayed erect. The smell of fruit and flowers made her smile wider, her eyes showing kindness when she looked to the brute before her. "My name is Tallulah, may I ask your name?" Her kind voiced echoed into her lobes, causing them to flick slightly. Every time she would talk to someone, her ear would flick slightly. It was a habit that this dame had ever since she was a little pup, and simply, she would not get over it.