
Beauty of the Orchard



4 Years
08-12-2014, 12:32 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto was caught off guard when the sudden scent and then sudden appearance of a rather beautiful fae approached him. She asked him a question and one that he couldn't refuse as he smiled and nodded "yes, you may join me Tallulah, I'm Aoto...Aoto Akani" He spoke with a gentle and polite voice. He noticed her ear flick when she spoke but he wasn't going to ask about it as he didn't want to come across as rude. However he did want to ask her one thing as his lips parted and his voice was could be heard "What brings a beautiful fae out here?" He wanted to know that much at least. He was a kind man to any female he came across particularly those who were willing to share company with him.

The brute wasn't going to be quiet now that he had company and perhaps he might have found that someone but that was going to be for a later time as for now he was content with being able to talk with someone. Aoto shown a smile to her as he gazed into her topaz colored eyes. However he had to do say something to get the conversation started and without much thought his words escaped his maw "Fine weather we're having, Tallulah". What was he going to say next. He was tired of being alone and he wanted to have a constant companion by his side and maybe eventually something more. However even for as calm as he normally was despite the fact he was naturally one to ramble on about pretty much anything he didn't know what to say to Tallulah as his face took on a rather confused and embarrassed expression however it was only for a moment before it cleared away back to his usual smile and friendly talkative look.