
Beauty of the Orchard


08-12-2014, 12:48 AM
The light russet colored dame smiled, her topaz optics shimmering in the small amount of sunlight that peaked through the horizon. Her ears would not flick this time as he would allow her to join him in company. A smile still stayed across her maw as she sat her haunches down beside the older male. He seemed to be two years older then she, but she thought he was a handsome brute, and she hoped that one day she will find a man that will treat her right and be happy for her silly antics that she often pulled upon the wolves or other animals she met.

"Yes, the weather surely is quite nice. But, we are both alone here, and though we try to get a conversation, we can say what is on our mind or whatever you would like to talk about. I don't really say much about myself," she would speak in a kind and calm tone, her tail wrapped around her bodice. Her topaz pools looked to the sun that peaked through the horizon, and her smile grew a little bigger. "I had been alone for a year, so being alone is never new to me. Though, we are never really alone. Instead on looking to the past, we look on what is today," she would speak as she closed her eyes, tail swishing across the green blades of grass.