
Beauty of the Orchard


08-12-2014, 01:24 AM
Tallulah would hear him talk about how he had been alone for three years. His voice sounding serious and even sad, for she could tell he was tired of being alone like she was. Her topaz pools would look to him. She had barely met Aoto, but had taken a liking to him already. She had now met someone who knows what it is like to be alone, to feel like you're nothing but garbage. But, she knew that she was never truly alone, but, she believed that and was not sure if Aoto felt the same way. A smile came across the dame's face, eyes showing kindness and sincerity.

"I had lost my mother and father to a mountain lion when I was a year old. I had to fight to survive, teaching myself how to stay alive. I knew what plants were poisonous and what plants I could use to help me heal. But, I guess being alone made me stronger and made me who I am today," she would look to Aoto once more, a slight brush coming underneath her fur as she could feel her cheeks getting warmer, and she moved a little closer to him as her tail accidentally touched his, and she was not sure how she would react to her moving closer to him.