
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-12-2014, 11:26 AM

Epiphron had never been a woman particularly prone to violence; and though she was not the gentlest of beasts, Azalea's betrayal had been the final push over the edge. First, it had been her husband's infidelity that had formed this pit of rage that sat in the middle of her stomach, refusing to be satiated -- she had maimed him as well, not wanting him to ever forget how foolish it was to dishonor her and to disgrace her family name. And now, seeing Azalea so easily sitting beside the woman that was clearly a kin of Isardis.. this was the final step. Anger coursed through her veins, blood pounding in her head, a dull ache beginning to form between her ears as she grew more angry by the moment. Azalea had always been a confused girl, never quite the same as the rest of her family... but to come to sit at the side of Isardis, as though he was an ally to her, was too maddening to bear. Despite everything, she was an Adravendi; how had she forgotten this?

What she truly wondered the most was how she was not cheering Syrinx on, and begging him to end the life of the albino King. Isardis had violated her and forced her to bear children that she hadn't even wanted. A snarl rippled through the air as she sought to strike Azalea, fangs begging to tear into the woman's flesh, wishing to inflict the same punishment that Argent had on Chrysanthe. ?An eye for an eye,? she repeated silently, lips curling into a cold sneer. Still her paws were spread evenly, attempting to distribute her weight to all four limbs still, knowing it would be easy to lose balance otherwise.

As she aimed to bury her teeth into the left side of Azalea's face, she kept her shoulders rolled forward and tensed, her body remaining aligned directly in front of Azalea's. The care she took in leaning forward only provided her with more balance and poise. Her own hackles were raised now by pure instinct, her entire being flooded with adrenaline and the drive to not just fight, but also to protect herself. She kept her eyes narrowed, fur scrunching around her face and eyes to protect her from any kind of retaliatory attack to the face.

Azalea?s instinct was to duck her forehead down, directly avoiding some of the attack, though she felt her jaws dig into her niece?s forehead. The taste of blood brought her no relief, no consolation, and certainly no happiness -- she didn?t want to necessarily hurt Azalea, but to show her how foolish she was being. To side with the enemy was a grave mistake, even if she had not verbalized her desire to defend Isardis. Sitting by Roman said more than words ever could. Attempting to remain aligned directly head-on with Azalea, she felt the woman?s left shoulder collide with her own, attempting to push her back.

Though she moved with purpose, she had no desire whatsoever to kill Azalea -- death would be the very last thing she would wish upon her niece. All she wished upon her was a punishment she would remember. Perhaps in blinding her, she could open her eyes to the truth. It seemed that Epiphron had suddenly gained Syrinx?s terrible habit of doing wrong things for the right reasons -- she had fooled herself instantaneously into believing that hurting Azalea would somehow help her. The threat of losing her brother was all too real now and she found herself slipping into a manic frenzy.

Epiphron had no real interest in attacking Azalea?s neck, and she was instead grateful for her niece?s head tilting downward. The collision forced her backwards, but she struggled to maintain some semblance of balance. She was not sent sprawling, but temporarily she found herself losing her posture. Her tail lashed out behind her, standing sharply at ground level at her rear to keep her stabilized, A roar left Epiphron?s lips -- a horrible, earth-shattering growl that even she did not know she was capable of. Pain emanated in her left shoulder where her niece had made contact with her, a bruise already beginning to form beneath her skin. Instantly she would duck her head down to align with her back, her knees bending slightly, knowing she would be just as likely to topple over if her muscles were too tensed and rigid.

She felt her toes clenching as she stretched them wide to gain more traction, ears pinning against her skull as her lips curled into a snarl. Fury ebbed through her veins as she once again attempted to draw her body forward, this time angling herself slightly to the right. She would hope to rear up slightly on her hind legs as she leapt forward at a slight angle, her weight pushing forward as she aimed to close her jaws around the flesh that held Azalea?s left eye in place. She strove to snap her jaws open and closed, wanting so badly to inflict permanent damage on the eye itself, hoping the pressure was enough to badly damage it. Her intention was to render the eye totally blind, but she knew Azalea wouldn't let her win so easily -- her niece had always been a fighter. But it was the image of Chrysanthe?s own useless eye, so mangled and scarred from battle, that pushed her on.

Epiphron vs. Azalea for maim of right eye

Round 2 / 2

Attacks: Coming slightly from the right, once again aiming to bite at the left side of Azalea?s face and potentially maim/blind her in her left eye.

Defenses: Paws spread evenly to distribute weight & maintain balance, toes spread, shoulders rolled forward, tail straight behind her to keep balance as she is forced backwards, fur around her face scrunched up to protect her skin and eyes, knees bent slightly, ears flattened against skull.

Injuries: Bruising and soreness in right shoulder.