
Beauty of the Orchard


08-12-2014, 11:34 AM
Tallulah smiled and would hear his small speech. The sound of his gentle and kind voice sent a shiver down her spine, a smile etched across her maw. The cool Spring breeze moved across her pelt, causing it to move slowly and calmly. Her topaz orbs shifted over to his own and her nose gently touched his in a friendly and kind way, soon parting it from his own. She lied down as she could hear the shuffling and bending of the blades of grass below her. The warm smell of the ripe fruit and the smell of the already blooming flowers put her mind at ease. Was he really the one for her, or is this just something that will happen in the future? Is this really what love is supposed to be like? So many questions ran through the dame's mind that it seemed as if a hurricane was blowing question after question into her mind. So many things like this just made her cranium feel like it was splitting.

"Aoto, thank you for your kindness toward a young she-wolf like me. I have been alone for so long, I wasn't even sure what love or kindness felt like anymore. But, you brought that back to me and for that, I am very grateful." She gave him a small lick upon the cheek and she soon turned back to look at the sunset that was slowing starting to go down. The purples and violets were making her also feel at peace. She closed her eyes and listened to the night life as owls and bats could be heard, calling out to get everyone's attention it would seem.