
Kaala's Greeting


05-12-2013, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2013, 12:30 PM by Kairos.)

Tiny paws drummed against the ground as Kairos went tumbling through the terrain. His brothers were somewhere else at the moment. Pericles and Tiberious would have to run extra super duper fast to find him now.But today he had been with Aunt Maka. Wherever she was Kai adored her; she was the only family member who let him get away with just having fun! If his mother Keki found him romping about alone; she would bring him back to the cave. If Uncle Gargie or Aunt Ocena found him he would be rounded up as well, same with grandma Crusade and grandpa Cifer.

Ugh, why does family have o be so protective. Why can't Kai just go out and explore the world on his own without any barriers. Purple eyes looked up as he spotted another black wolf like himself. the young pup had never seen a wolf like this before, she must be new.

With a playful grin Kai ran straight for her and barreled into her side. Before she could even turn around he ran away laughing and hid behind a bush. Then did he only peek out from the side of it as his tiny tail wagged back and forth.

Did she see him? what would she do? Would she tell on him? Would she tell his mother? Would Maka scold him? Oh was fun while it would last so he would just make the most of it.

With a tiny squeal of delight the pup crouched down lower to the ground as he peeked out once more.
