
Beauty of the Orchard


08-12-2014, 04:57 PM
The dame would feel his muzzle gently touch her neck as a blush erupted underneath her fur. It was as if time itself had slowed down when his muzzle touched her. A smile creased across her maw once more, and her blue eyes shown kindness and compassion when he had been with her. This was love. This is what it meant to be loved by someone. The smell of the orchard soon came back into her nostrils, causing them to burn from the ripe stench of the fruit that penetrated off the apples that came from the tree branches.

Her heart felt like it was fluttering out of her chest when Aoto said those three words: I love you. That made her feel happy, for she too loved him and knowing that he felt the same way, she wasn't ashamed to say the same thing to him.

"I love you too, Aoto. Even though we had been here for a couple hours, I love you as well. I'm happy that you love me," she said with a smile and nudged him, pressing her head under his chin and moving it upward with a smile.