
We Were Never Here[P]



08-12-2014, 05:08 PM

His teeth would draw forth her blood as she insisted upon rougher play, she could feel his teeth burst through her skin. A cry would ring from her previously untainted muzzle, a sound of pain and release. She?d whimper as his tongue lapped at the dark liquid that oozed from her shoulder. She?d press into him as the throbbing of her wounds would mingle with her intoxicated emotions. He?d growl ominously, pulling his grasp away he?d bring about more needy sounds from her throat. He wouldn?t find any more words necessary at her release, he?d growl possessively over her and shivers would race over her skin.
Petite muzzle would find her mark, her teeth catching hold of his shoulder, her teeth would easily draw forth his blood and she would feel it coat her muzzle. Along with his blood she would draw from him a deep moan, obviously pleased with her actions. She?d mirror his movement, letting her tongue caress the open wounds as he followed her lead. He would slowly free her of the close confines, though she had no doubt she?d be getting to know that wall well throughout the night.
Before he?d move further his mercury gaze would over take her golden one, eyes boring into her with a seriousness that might have frightened her weaker self. She?d take hold of it though, and keep her eyes upon his. The words were low, dark, and demanding. Veera knew nothing else than him, and the commandment would come as no surprise to her. "Am I?" The question was innocent, even though he?d already made himself clear. Still, he?d lean forward, opening his jaws and taking hold of her muzzle. She?d feel herself withdraw, knowing immediately that he was the alpha in this situation. Her tail would curl between her legs as her ears fell back and her body lowered its stature without moving her muzzle. She was his.
His growl would overtake her again, further proving his point before he allowed her release. She would make no motion to bolt, only the movements she so desperately needed to make. She?d whine, lowering her head slightly as she swiveled before him. Her body would turn, and she?d presh the gentle curve of her back into his chest. Features would turn from the wall to look over her shoulder at him, her weight squared on her four limbs. She wasn?t sure what to expect, but she knew she would not soon forget.
