
Will You Accept My Love Again?



7 Years
08-12-2014, 05:13 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

She had settled there upon the ground where she had ended up, her neck stretched toward the side and her head beside Bane's where she had kissed him. Her seeing and unseeing eyes stared at him half lidded, the remnants of tears still lingering there upon the lower edge. Tahlia could not say in words just what exactly she felt. There was such a strong level of relief in her at knowing that they had finally been able to make up after what had happened, that she had been able to forgive him and he forgive her so that their relationship could be mended and brought back as strongly as it ever had been. There was a deep and undying love as well, directed wholly upon her husband. It was nothing like the first marriage she had had, nothing so shallow and pointless, and those feelings had unknowingly consumed her. And, of course, there was the pleasure that only he could bring, made stronger and more amazing for everything else.

A little smile curved gently across her lips as he reached toward her with a paw and placed it against her shoulder, her gaze falling shut for a moment as she drew in a heavy, steadying breath that she released slowly. Tahlia felt content and joyful, her hope renewed and feeling more sure of everything she and her husband stood for. She easily could have settled herself within the curve of his body and let him hold her for hours, basking in his warmth and his love. At least until he growled.

Eyes opening slowly, a searching look within them, the smile about her face slipped away into a blank stare, reading within the look Bane sent back that they were not quite done, that his plans involved more. The sound of his growl alone was enough to cause her stomach to flutter responsively, excitedly, her body stirring quickly after the high it had just reached. She tensed as she watched him, feeling the paw against her shoulder push in an urgent gesture to get her to roll over. Her gaze never leaving his, the russet and black woman shifted and wriggled her way onto her back, her breath beginning to quicken again as Bane got to his paws to loom over her. Her own forepaws settled upon his chest, kneading through the soft fur there as he situated himself and reached forward to take her throat in his jaws. Her body strung taut, Tahlia breathed his name pleadingly, unsure whether she wished him to slow down or keep going but there was no time for her to decide. He had already begun.

He took her quite by surprise for a second time. There was a new urgency to his actions, a new rush that had been missing before, and it only seemed to cause her need to burn more strongly for it. He muffled her moans with his intimate kisses, kept her too breathless to do more than whine airily when his attention shifted to her cheek and neck, and continued to fill the air with his rumbling growl. And as he did she encouraged him, arching, pawing, breathing his name when she thought he might hear. So easily he seemed to be able to please her, and by the time it was done for a second time she could do nothing more than shiver beneath him, breathless and spent and utterly satisfied all over again.

She could feel his warm breath upon her face, could see within his dazed expression that he had been no less pleased with the outcome than she had. A quick kiss was placed upon his chin before he eased her head back, her eyes closing blissfully as lazy kisses and nips were dragged along her throat. She might have laughed when he spoke of his apology but she hardly possessed the energy, managing only the hint of a smile about her lips as he shifted his comfortable weight atop her to roll off and onto his side. Another shiver coursed through her body, his whispered words drawing about an automatic response from her. "Autumn," she answered breathlessly, "It's in Autumn." And yes, they would need to set aside time for that.

Bane was quiet for a moment, Tahlia taking the time to make an attempt at quieting her own breathing, and softly his tongue passed against her jaw. His offer this time did draw about an airy chuckle from the woman, and she smiled a little more easily now as her tail gave a few wags. "I am not so sure I can," she responded quietly, her tone teasing though there was a certain level of honesty in her words. "I feel...wonderful but weak. Like I might melt right here."