
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



6 Years
08-12-2014, 06:20 PM

If the two had had time to talk things over, perhaps the outcome would have been different. Azalea did not see it wrong to befriend an Armada and if she went her whole life thinking that way then she might as well tell Soren and Kismet to leave and never try to find her again. They were Armada just as much as they were Adravendi.

In this public arena the two seemed fated to collide with tooth and nail. Where Epiphron sought to shame her, Azalea sought to rise above. It had occurred to her that this was the perfect way to part herself from her family. When she left Valhalla behind and the haze in her mind began to clear she had contemplated a name change to depart wholly and firmly from her past. She was not a victim. She was not wrong.

And most of all, Azalea was not weak. She was worth well more than her family pegged her for.

As Azalea retaliated against her aunt's attack she could feel the blood begin to well and spill over, staining her fur a very dark color. The motion caused droplets to go flying, lost in the fray as their shoulders struck and Pip roared to life. The sound from her aunt was unlike anything she had heard from her before. Never had the younger female seen the blue eyed grand daughter of Cairo be so aggressive.

Azalea's tactic seemed to work, pressing her family member back and causing her balance to shift. Azalea was already phasing into her next attack though and Epiphron was quickly righting herself. Their next collision was sure to be a brutal one, she could tell already.

Her tail stood out straight behind her, bends bending and holding bounce as she prepared to strike again. She was on her toes, prepared to strike. A snarl still on her face as her chin tucked once more and her ears folded themselves to her already ravaged skull. She came to realize then that she had opened her left eye out of her own accord.

Epiphron's next barrage came swiftly then, giving her no time to be grateful for her eye sight. Again teeth came for her face but this time Azalea did not truly shy away. With a snarl Azalea would rip forward, her right foreleg lifting as she looked to overcome her aunt's shoulder blades, mouth growing wide as her own ivories poised to Epiphron's scruff. As Azalea goes to rise over her aunt, her tail curled to the left some and her hind end side steps to her own right. She could feel the harsh collision of teeth with her face and this time the pain came like a wave crashing into the shore. Her body jerked at the pain but she was too far into her attack for a yelp to leave her body. Azalea's aim was to grab her aunt's neck and twist and shake and make her hurt as she did right now.

Azalea would not give up her attack there though, drawing her head back and turning her head to the left she aimed to grabbed and rip the pale ear right off of Epiphron's pretty head. If she were destined to have a fucked up face, then Epiphron would only get one ear. With her left eye in darkness it was hard to say in that moment if she had shut it, lost it, or was just blinded by blood. Perhaps the others around her had watched as her delicate eyeball was popped like a cherry.

Epiphron vs Azalea for maim (was told since I had put the maim part in my first post that changing to a maim rather than dominance should be fine)

Round 2 of 2

attack: Azalea meets Epiphron head on and then shift her position slightly to her right (Pip's left), trying to put her right leg over Epiphron's shoulders and hold her close as she seeks to bite, shake and release the upper left side of her neck before trying to rip off Pip's left ear.