
Scratch. Bite. Choke. Scream.


08-12-2014, 06:59 PM

Come at me bro...
So he would move. But perhaps a bit smarter than Akemi gave him credit for. Heh, at his size she would have thought him to be nothing but a bumbling idiot. But that wasn't the case, was it? He didn't give her enough time to rise, that or she simply didn't make her own move fast enough, and his massive paw would press down upon her head. His claws would press against the flesh above her right eye, drawing blood. Then came that command. Just hearing it... how he thought she would simply submit to him without a fight...

The girl would move, trying to slide from under his paw. Sure his claws would do their damage, but she wasn't exactly thinking of his position above her. The male would press down harder, and as she tried to pull away they would rack at the flesh, the last claw going right over that pretty little red orb on the right side of her face.

Pain. Loss of sight. Blood. It all happened instantly, a yelp leaving her. She would scramble to her paws, but only because he would let her. She'd turn to face him, blood and eye... juices... leaking from the right side of her face. Had the claw missed the orb the damage would have been much more minimal. Lips would lift, defenses set as she glared at him with the remaining orb.

"Fuck you." She spat.

Akemi vs Kau
for Unofficial Maim

Round: --

Attack: --



[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]