
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



4 Years
08-12-2014, 07:14 PM

Had it not have been for the spoilt childs words Satis would have found momentary harmony waiting for the outcome of Azalea?s battle. Alas, it is an earthy being and her foul mouth that sends Satis in an eager lope in the babes direction, seeking to pause a few meters from the girls right side. ?How about I cleave you apart, child? It is only a coward who speaks such words whilst dreaming on the sidelines,? fangs bare as lips pull into a snarl, adrenaline fuelled by the raging fights that enveloped the peculiarities fervent being. ?After all, I seek only to claim what is mine; and it?s going to be your dazzling tail,? words seep as poisonous threats and defences raise within an instance; skull lowered as chin tucks, golden gaze narrow upon the earthy girls form, toes splay as claws dig into the loam for traction and knees bend, four limbs squared and balance equal, spine aligned with her nape as tail tucks defensively between haunches, abdomen tight and harks stitched against atypical crown as her teeth bare and jaws unhinge, hackles bristling.

Dark nails push eagerly into the earth as the Armada localises her power to her haunches, seeking to move towards Synder at a controlled jog, muscles supple in preparation to change course should the babe try and prevent access. Satis attempts to approach the child?s right side at a 20 degree angle, with her skull pointed ambitiously in the direction of the girl?s rear end. With an ultimate endeavour to launch from her hindquarters the African oddity elevates her right shoulder blade in an attempt to drive it into the soft, fleshy region behind the last right ribs and before her hind right thigh; hoping to collide bone with the small intestine and cause extreme bruising or fatal rupture.

Skull strives to hunt towards her own left as spine seeks to extend, attempting to grasp the girls tail in gaping jaws about an inch upwards from its base; where her cranium will then seek to pull rapidly back to her right and hopefully up towards her oppositions spine, ambitious to shatter the vertebrae within her tail and potentially cause splintering bones to savage skin. If the body part did not pull free, should Satis find her ultimate success there was no doubt it could shrivel and die after loss of circulation regardless. However simultaneously, in an effort to make her attack upmost effective, Satis attempts to momentarily lift her right forepaw; hoping to stomp it aggressively down upon Synder?s back right hind paw in an effort to prevent the girl moving her haunches away, and to potentially cause future pain to the toes. A few moments later and regardless of success Satis will replace her right paw soundly beneath her in an effort to restabilise her balance.

Satis vs. Synder ? Round 1 of ???

For Maim/Removal of Tail.