
Things Are Changing



2 Years
08-12-2014, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 08:16 PM by Crucifix.)

Having Dayton in his pack was not something he had expected to happen, he knew the boy had been a part of another pack before this and hadnt expected him to find his way here. Having his oldest friend in Alacritis with him was a very pleasant surprise, knowing also that Dayton wanted to earn it and not gain a rank from that friendship was even better yet. He found himself leaning forward to bump shoulders with Dayton in a little gesture of friendship. The conversation had moved on to family and Cru found Dayton agreeing with the idea. It brought Crus mind back the moment he saw Day collapse in the sea and had thought for a moment his friend was lost. That moment more then the rest told the Alpha what Day meant to him, how close the two friends where, or had been. He hadn't seen Day for a while, but they did seem to be picking up from where they left off.

His agreement on calling a pack hunt was all he needed to hear, things had been too quite within the pack and this could help boost it. He was still waiting on Ahmose to call the pack warrior training.. that was taking too long, he might need to talk to Ahmose again. That thought was met with a sinking heart, he didn't want to have to growl at his friend, but the requirements of his pack dictated its necessity. ?Well you pup is of course welcome to the pack, and when he's old enough to start training ill work something out with you both? Cru said, coming out of his thoughts with Days words on his pup, and it was some relief to be distracted from his worries. ?There isn't much new with me unless you count the pack? he laughed at that before continuing. ?Mostly i'm worried about Solstice, it looked good when I called this pack together but the members have been vanishing, very little is happening within the pack and I need to change that? he explained.