
Writing Your Story In The Echoes Of This Place



08-12-2014, 08:16 PM

Dayton had pulled his son away from their new home for the day. He wanted to go exploring with him, to see the lands outside of the territory. It was his job as a father to make sure Aeolus learned everything he needed to know. And sometimes those things couldn't be learned within the boundaries of a pack. Sometimes you needed to step away and see the world beyond your front door. This seemed like a great place to start.

The two boys were cast into a close darkness as they wandered through the caves, listening to echoes of the wind. Aeolus needed to learn bravery, to stand up to the shadows that lingered behind rocks and around corners. Dayton hadn't learned to be brave until very recently, but that didn't mean his son should suffer the same fate. Screeches from above cut into his thoughts, and he looked up at the stone ceiling with a confused look on his face. Aeolus instantly cowered underneath him.

Dayton, will those things up there eat us? the small voice asked. Dayton blinked, surprised that the pup had still not taken to calling him father, but did not complain. His amber eyes were warm as he stepped away from his son. "Of course not," he replied, a grin lighting up his face as he growled playfully and pounced toward Aeolus. "Not if we eat them first!"