
i don't want to wake up alone anymore



7 Years

08-13-2014, 12:09 AM

His friend touched his cheek with her tongue, and he just grinned at her from his unusual position. He was after all a jester, he couldn't help but play little tricks from time to time. It helped to keep everything easy and fun, even in the hardest of times. Bass knew when it was time to play, and when it was time to be the Alpha. It was a very fine line, but he was learning still. He was growing alone with Abaven, learning as it did every step of the way. Members like Wren helped keep it alive, and these little interactions were important. Even though the two already had a strong bond, he didn't want to become a stranger to any member in his pack. That is why he tried to have a bit of fun with everyone, to show them that this wasn't all diplomatic.

When she brought up pestering him he just scoffed at the woman, his eyes rolling. "You never pester me Wren. Plus, isn't that my job as Azat? To handle you little buggers?" His vocals were teasing as he playfully swatted at her ear, laughing. He didn't get any quiet time, the only alone time he got was when he was sleeping and even then he was woken up at times by a mix of members with different problems. There was no rest for alphas, but the reward was so much greater than the struggle that he went through. Her head hung over his neck and he wiggled, licking whatever was closest to his mouth. He needed times like these to wash away all the stress that surrounded him day after day.

Everything grew quiet, the sound of the rapids taking over everything else. His eyes slipped closed as he enjoyed the warmth of his friend and the feeling of the sun on his alabaster coat. The grass tickled his spine, burrowing into his fur until they almost blended with the white coat. Wren's voice broke the silence, telling him that this land was beautiful. Opening his eyes he looked at the rapids in his upside down view, smiling softly. "It sure is, which is why I chose these parts. But there is danger within the beauty. Those rapids are unforgiving, and those snakes do have quite some bite." He said somberly.