
wake me up


08-13-2014, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 01:41 AM by Fish.)

Alacritis was beautiful. It truly was. There was no doubt that this place was graced with heaven's beauty and angel kisses. Because she's never seen any place like it. It was so big too. There was so much to explore, so much to see. So much to experience. She wanted to roam it all. Climb the highest mountains and swim the deepest of lakes. Fish wanted to know what beauty this land had to offer her. And even now, only here in this dark cave, she found everything so impressive. So beautiful and indescribable. It was something only the luckiest of wolves could ever see...glowing mushrooms. They're squishy, slimy little forms glowing neon hues, some flickering and some just sitting their like bright stones. She wondered why, but most importantly, how she had gotten to such an amazing place.
Her tiny paws carried her through the bright caverns casually, those pretty two-toned sapphires of her bright with amazement and pure awe. Her feathered necklace swayed and dangled gently at her chest...and every so often it would tickle her inner forelegs. But she didn't mind the minor touches. Not at all. She was too focused- too attached to this amazing scene that she had so evidently walked through. The little dame wondered if she'd ever leave. But that wasn't up to was it?