
You Found Me [Chronos]


05-12-2013, 02:05 PM

Blu could scarcely contain herself around Chronos. Despite her schizophrenia and her three legged gimp, she felt like she could conquer the world, that she could do anything she set her mind too so long as Chronos remained at her side. She wanted for nothing, yearned for nothing, save his gentle countenance and the love that blossomed in her chest every time she happened to catch his visage through the trees. There was never another who loved quite like she loved her Chronos. She had never believed in love until she had met Chronos. her parents had been so utterly cruel... she thought such things existed only in stories, never in real life.

She collided with him and her world fell into its proper place. He curled his head around her, pulling her tightly into his chest. Squeezing her with hidden zeal until she could no more differenciate where she ended and he began. She fit him like a puzzle piece, a missing link to his soul and if she had her way she would never leave this warmth this heart of his embrace. A suspicious purr arose from her chest, a sound of contentment and of love.

His words pulled a loving smile from her, golden eyes flickering with love and admiration. The male was beautiful, absolutely stunning and he was all hers, or at least he would be until he grew tired of her, she hoped that day would never come. She bathed his neck and chest in soft kisses. "Forever then. Never leave me." She would murmur back against him, she had something to ask him, something that made heat pool on her abdamon and her cheeks burn with embarrassment, but she loved him and she wanted him and with a gentle cooing noise, she would speak. "I know my heat dosen't come for another season... but I... I want you Chronos. I want you to take me, to have me body mind and spirit. Make love to me Chronos, please?"
